How To Stay Healthy - The Psychology of Maintaining Consistent, Effortless Health

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hey this is Leo for actualize that org and this quick self-help segment I'm going to talk about how to stay healthy alright so what is the bottom line what is it that causes some people to be healthy and to take care of their health and to really get that part of their life dialed in and other people not so much in fact most people I would put in this category and it's not just not so much it's that they have miserable health or even if they're not showing signs of miserable health yet the way that they're treating their body the way that their their relationship to health is so poor that you could just see the trajectory that they're going down I hope that's not you but if it is we'll fix that too so here's the bottom line and what I want to cover here is the psychology of staying healthy because that is more important than one specific technique about which food you should eat or what kind of exercises you do at the gym here's the bottom line the reason that you're not healthy and you're having difficulty staying healthy is because you have a bad psychology about health you're not really valuing it you're not in touch with why you want to be healthy for me and this has been a long journey for me because I was overweight my whole life up through college and I went through a process where I lost about 65 pounds and five months and I got very health conscious back in college and I've kept with that and I kept kept at growing and growing and growing and every year I just feel myself getting more and more in touch with my health and valuing my health and my body my fitness more and more and more and so as I'm going through this process of psychological change I can see very clearly why people who tried to diet or who try to go to the gym for a new year's resolution type of deal or to try to get fit for their their upcoming high school reunion you know when I see this I can see why those people are struggling so much and why people aren't healthy first of all it's hard to be healthy to be healthy means that you have to put your attention on this this takes awareness right if I take my awareness off of my health then I'm going to stop going to the gym I'm gonna stop preparing my healthy meals I'm going to stop shopping for good types of food I'm going to be careless I'm going to be casual and I'm just going to do what well I'm going to go stop at the McDonald's for a quick snack I'm gonna go to the Starbucks get something there I'm gonna go to a restaurant and order some some big dessert or some meal it's not healthy for me and my health is going to deteriorate in interior a deteriorate to the point where I'm just going to be doing what society makes easy and society unfortunately society we live in America other first world countries we make it very very easy to eat the wrong things we make it very very easy to not go to the gym because we have all this unhealthy food around us we have all this disinformation about food around us we have ads about unhealthy food around us we have all these distractions that keep us from going to the gym we have all these commercials telling us that the gym should be easy and effortless and all of that is playing on your psyche and basically it's putting you in this very unrestorable state where you don't even sometimes realize that what you're doing is unhealthy so the first step I would say is start getting educated if you're interested in this topic one of the things that I started doing is I started reading about nutrition I started reading about Fitness I started watching workout videos on YouTube I started reading books about nutrition I started researching different types of dyes that are out there then I started experimenting and through this process you're going to start to see patterns emerge and it's it's challenging and sometimes it's frustrating because there's so much different and conflicting health advice out there you can probably find a hundred videos right now on YouTube about how to lose weight and half of them would conflict' with the other half right and that's just kind of the state of nutrition and our understanding of nutrition and weight loss at this point in human development but there's a lot of stuff out there that does work and what you just got to do is you got to sort through some of it see what works for you adopt the things that work for you and use them and throw away and discard the stuff that doesn't work but start with the psychology and the most fundamental question is why do you want to be healthy why is that important have you actually stopped and asked yourself that don't just dismiss that the answer to that question and take it lightly because for me there's something deeper there as I've gone through this transition at first it started with well I want to get healthy and I want to drop fat for me looks was important because I was so overweight my whole life I didn't even know what I looked like in my ideal form I didn't know I didn't even have an image in my mind of what I could look like and that crippled my self-confidence and it crippled my ability to go out there and date and have relationships and so that was so crippling for me that for me I said you know what if I can get my fitness and my health into shape then I'll be able to go out there and date have more self-confidence like how I look be able to dress in nice clothes and for me that was enough motivation to get me going that was a good reason and today I look at that and I kind of laugh and I chuckle I say wow that's you know that's kind of nice that's a good place to start but and it got me some good results but it's kind of pales in comparison to the depth that I'm at right now where I'm at right now let me tell you the reason that I take care of my body right now I go to the gym and I eat really really healthy is because I just care about my body I see my body as this machine and it's one of the most amazing machines on the planet the complexity and especially the human brain the way the human brain works to me when I see that that's something beautiful and I want to preserve that and for me the food that I'm putting into my body is directly correlated in my mind I can see that if I think a Big Mac and I eat it and how I feel after I eat a Big Mac I can literally feel my body deteriorating from the inside out these are the images that I'm drawing in my mind right this is what I create this my psychology that I've created so this for me makes it very easy to avoid a Big Mac right it's just quite that simple but there's layers of depth here so one is just taking care of my body just for its own sake you know I want to treat my body well I want to treat my body like a temple treat your body like a temple not a wooden shack as Jim Rohn would say treat your audience a temple and I'm trying to adopt that that more and more and more and really soak that into my my subconscious so that everything I'm doing to my body is is improving it it's like if you had a performance car if you had a million dollar collectible automobile and it was the last one left on earth would you put good fuel into it would you go take it for a car wash every once in a while would you put low mileage on it would you would you rotate the tires on it would you make sure that you put in the right oil when we need to do an oil change and make sure that you do frequent oil changes right you would because that's something that you see as precious it's something that's valuable and what you gotta do is got to start to see your body that way so that is one part of it for me the other part is that I actually want to live a long life and I want to live not just a long life but I want to live a long and prosperous life where I'm active I have energy I'm able to go out there and do all the stuff that I want to do because I have so much that I want to do with my life it's ridiculous how much I want to do I don't have enough time every day to do all the stuff I want to do I want to travel the world I want to build businesses I want to go out there and talk to people I want to motivate people I want to interact I want to experiment I want to have all sorts of crazy hobbies and literally try out and read every book that's out there on every topic for me that's an that's that's more stuff to do that I could fit into ten lifetimes and I just don't like the idea that when I hit 45 I'm going to be struggling with an extra 50 pounds of weight and that I'm going to be so tired that I'm not gonna be able to walk a flight of stairs and I'm going to be so crippled with with potential diseases like heart disease and diabetes and all this other stuff that's out there are cancers that basically my life is going to be cut short I want to extend my life as many years as future as possible and I want to give myself the highest quality of life that I can get so for me that's a big one another one is brain health when you start to do the research and you start to realize how connected the health of your brain is to your help of your body you start to see whoa this is really really important and you start to another reason for why you want to work on your health and stay healthy because first of all for me the way that I look at this is like this my brain is really important for me to have the kind of impact that I want my life because I'm an analytical type of guy that's my biggest strength so I'm using my brain all the time I'm using my brain to come up with ideas I'm using my brain to run my business I'm using my brain when I'm interacting with people I'm using my brain when I'm reading I'm using my brain when I'm meditating I'm always using my brain and so every extra little edge that I can get to my brain performance is huge for me this is my consciousness that we're talking about so that means that as soon as I spot something that's hurting my brain performance I cut that out of my diet and I'm very cognizant of that and I want to maintain strong healthy neural connections throughout my whole life I don't want Alzheimer's disease I don't want brain tumors I don't want to become listless and have memory problems I don't want to become so feeble when I'm in my 50s or my 60s that I'm not able to go out there and create the kind of things that I want to create and in fact I want to be on top of my game today because there are things that I could be doing right now in my diet that if I let loose on then I will not have the kind of performance that I have right now I'll not be able to make the same quality videos that I'm making I'm not gonna be able to go out there and write the same things that I'm writing I'm not going to be able to go out there and give the kind of speech that I want to give or whatever else that I'm working on right now in my life I'm not going to do that at the same level of performance so for me when I realize that and I make that connection in my mind that's a huge reason to stay motivated of course there's many others looking good you know I like to look good I have a good physique that's important to me performance in bed sex I like to have stamina when I'm having sex I want to have amazing crazy sex why not you're only going to live once make the best of it right I don't want to be some fat ass having sex that's ridiculous that's stupid why would I want that to me if I sacrifice a couple of Big Macs so that I could have amazing sex that's a worthwhile trade-off for me so there's that one you know uh what is it maybe for you there's some other ones that I haven't really connected with maybe for example I don't have kids but maybe you have kids and one reason that you want to have a good health and good nutrition and practice good fitness is because we want to set a good example for your kids so that they're growing up and seeing how it is and so that they're not overweight and not they're not hurting themselves maybe B you want to live long enough to see them get married and you want to see them have their own kids and you want to see their graduations and you want to see them killing it in their career and you want to see all that and so you just want to live long enough to see that that's a very good reason to to practice good good health and then you know what else maybe maybe you want to have more energy maybe you're feeling like right now you're just kind of a little bit groggy a little bit listless your mood is down because the food that you're eating and so now you feel like you're not on top of your game you're not able to educate your kids the way you want to you're not able to take them to soccer practice or to do this or to do that and you're missing out basically and you're shortchanging them and you're short chaining yourself on the experience that you could be having with your family so all of those reasons are really good reasons to get and stay in health right now I didn't go into the technical details of what you got to do what diet you got to eat or what the exercise you got to do at the gym but I wanted to cover the deeper psychology I want you right now to sit down after this videos over and write down your top reasons for being healthy for staying healthy I'm promising you that this is the key once you start tapping into this you get the motivation and then it becomes much easier to resist all those convenient things that are out there for us tempting us and breaking us away from the path that we want to be on first decide on the path and why you want to be on it then you will have enough reason to deal with all that other stuff there's plenty videos out there that will tell you which diets you should be on and which workout written regimes are going to be the best for you all right so this is Leah andriy signing off go ahead leaving your comments like this share this and of course check out actualize org for more advanced personal movement videos where you can sign up to my newsletter you